
BTF 17 (Distortions, Misconceptions & Attacks on Islam)

How are Muslims supposed to handle the objections and rejection from non-Believers? Examples of our prophet, peace be upon him, as well as his close companions bring answers to our...

Part 11 – Islam Outside of Mecca

Building the Foundation with Sh. Ahmad AlKurdy/nPart 11 - Islam Outside of Mecca/n

House of Worship in Islam – Ahmad AlKurdy

This was a presentation about the role of the mosque in Islam. It was delivered to an audience of non Muslim university students as part of their Humanities class on religion. It t...

True & Everlasting Love – Ustadh Ahmad Al-Kurdy

Ahmad Alkurdy delivers a Friday sermon at the Islamic Center of Inland Empire on the topic of love, specifically love for the sake of God.