
A Christian Minister’s Conversion to Islam – Dr.Jerald Dirks

Dr. Dirks is a former minister (deacon) of the United Methodist Church. He holds a Master's degree in Divinity from Harvard University and a Doctorate in Psychology from the Univer...

Muslims in American History A Forgotten Legacy (5 of 5)

The early life and education of Dr. Jerald Dirks , a Harvard Hollis scholar and author of the book The Cross and the Crescent, disillusioned by Christianity due the information lea...

Muslims in American History A Forgotten Legacy (4 of 5)

The early life and education of Dr. Jerald Dirks , a Harvard Hollis scholar and author of the book The Cross and the Crescent, disillusioned by Christianity due the information lea...

Muslims in American History A Forgotten Legacy (3 of 5)

The early life and education of Dr. Jerald Dirks , a Harvard Hollis scholar and author of the book The Cross and the Crescent, disillusioned by Christianity due the information lea...

Muslims in American History A Forgotten Legacy (2 of 5)

The early life and education of Dr. Jerald Dirks , a Harvard Hollis scholar and author of the book The Cross and the Crescent, disillusioned by Christianity due the information lea...

Muslims in American History A Forgotten Legacy (1 of 5)

The early life and education of Dr. Jerald Dirks , a Harvard Hollis scholar and author of the book The Cross and the Crescent, disillusioned by Christianity due the information lea...

    From Jesus to Muhammad (Peace be upon them) 2/8

    Public Talk by Dr. Jerald Dirks - USA

      Is Jesus God – Dr. Jerald F. Dirks 1/2

      Is Jesus God - Dr. Jerald F. Dirks 1/2

        Is Jesus God? – Dr. Jerald F. Dirks 2/2

        Amazing evidence that is provided in this show regarding Jesus Christ by a former minister (deacon) of the United Methodist Church and who graduated from the Divinity school from H...

          Muslims in America

          Jerald Dirks, former Christian bishop explains how Muslims have been in America 500 years BEFORE COLUMBUS.