
Morgan Freeman calls adhan in Mosque

Morgan Freeman makes adhan (call to Muslim prayer) in Mosque with Imam

ISLAM vs WEST (?) – Ron Paul Speaks Against New World Order Policy

The neocons want us to believe that we are in a war to the death between Christian civilization and the Islamic world. But they know nothing of either Christian civilization or Isl...

Yusuf Estes with IslamNewsroom 3 18 2015

Yusuf Estes with Islam Newsroom- Live Every weds. at 9PM EST 6PM Pacific- More @ www.islamnewsroom.com

Muslim Girl Attacked on Camera (ABC Special)

Watch what happens when a store ​Clerk calls Muslim woman "Terrorist" on ABC hidden camera. Actor insults a Muslim woman customer (an actress) and refuses to serve her an...

Reply to Pamela Geller’s Halal Meat Butterball Botch-Up

Pamela Geller, well-known Muslim hater from Florida gets the right answer from TV reporter - Logical reasons Butterball & FDA follow guidelines of Islam for slaughter due to he...

1,500 year old Bible Predicts Muhammad as Prophet

Ancient Bible worth over 20,000,000 Euros discovered in Turkey verifies Muhammad, peace be upon him, as the prophet of Allah. One page valued over 2 Million! Is this why the last p...

Islam NewsRoom Last Day Updates

Islam NewsRoom Last Day Updates

A Comprehensive Prayer

A Comprehensive Prayer

GAZA KIDS in Ramadan?

Hundreds and now thousands of innocent old people, mothers, women and children DEAD or injured in Gaza.

Muslim Woman Gets the Boot in a Bakery

ABC Hidden Camera catches it all "On Tape In Texas". Actress dresses up like a Muslim lady and another actor pretends to hate Muslims and tries to "kick out the terr...

Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. (Muslim Or Pro-Muslim?)

Was he introduced as "Dr. Martin Luther King Jihad"? Muslims in Kufis (Muslim head covers) all around him. His words of freedom, justice, racism, education and peace come...