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                        Guide US TV

                          Hijab in Islam

                            The Beard

                              Spanish Muslims


                                  The Quran

                                    Be Patient

                                      Dont Get Angry

                                        Music In Islam??

                                          Free Quran Project


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                                            Guide US TV

                                              Hijab in Islam

                                                The Beard

                                                  Spanish Muslims


                                                      The Quran

                                                        Be Patient

                                                          Dont Get Angry

                                                            Music In Islam??

                                                              Free Quran Project

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                                                              Let's see... about me? Well, I just graduated, I have two cats and a fish, my favorite color is purple and I don't like tofu. Other than that, I'm just a random person that probably no one needs to know about.

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