
    Ramadan 2012 Class 9 for Sisters

    This class is about Dua'a (supplicating to Allah), which is part of Ramadan series Returning Back to Allah.

      The Repentance Master – Dr. Bilal Philips

      The Repentance Master by Dr. Bilal Philips in which he elaborates on a supplication commonly known as, "Sayyid al-Istighfaar" or "The Chief of Repentance."

        Ramadan 2012 Class 13 for Sisters

        This is about depression and contains genuine suggestions from a sis to her sisters from around the world in order to help them with their journey in Returning Back to Allah, which...

        Supplications (waking up) 1. When waking up (3)All praise is for Allah

        دعاء الاستيقاظ من النوم 3 الحمدُ للهِ الذي عافاني في جَسَدي وَرَدّ عَليّ روحي وَأَذِنَ لي بِذِكْرِه . ...

          Hajj Talbiyah.


          Dua with English Trans. Part 2

          Dua Khatm-ul-Quran read by Sudais

            Dua For Entering And Leaving The Masjid

            The translation and hadith sources are below.


            رمضان 1429

              Prophets advice to Muadh RA – Dr. Bilal Philips

              Muadh ibn Jabal one of the companions who accepted Islam from Madina, from the tribe of Khazraj. He was one who the Prophet Sallallahu Alayhi WaSallam gave special responsiblities,...

                Adhan by Young Boy

                Amazing and brilliant vibrations from the voice of this lad.

                  A Heart beat

                  A very Touching clip from Al-NAS Channel. It is a Dua by Shaikh Mohammed Hassan.


                    I small video to assist in the memorisation of a dua for seeking protection from four things.

                      TAWBA is a MUST for each Muslim

                      A very touching clip about Tawba from Al-Nas Channel by Shaikh Mohammed Hussain Yaqob (http://www.yaqob.com) and Shaikh Moahammed Hassan (http://www.MohammedHassan.org)

                        Supplication (Dua) When Waking Up

                        When Waking Up/n‘All praise is for Allaah who gave us life after having taken it from us and unto Him is the Resurrection.‘/nThe Prophet (S) said: ‘Whoever awakes at night and then...

                          A Dua that Shaytan Doesnt Want You to Know- navaid aziz

                          A brother that enjoys sharing his experiences through lecturing and social media. A big advocate of spirituality, morality, education, and mutual respect. Wants nothing more than t...

                            How to do Istikhara

                            Topic "How to do Istikhara", presented by Imran Abu Moussa