
McDonald’s – You Don’t Fool Us

You Fed Soldiers to kill starving Children in Palestine.

bible with Sheikh Yusuf

Bible with Sheikh Yusuf and Richard Kifer

Reading Bible at a Church

Sheikh Yusuf Estes

Sisters Classes at Chatislam

Want to seek knowledge but don't necessarily have the money, time or means to travel or even go to the mosque? Join our Sisters-Only-Community: http://sisters.islamswomen.com and g...

Share Islam with everyone

A must watch and get

the Price of Paradise part 5

what is the price of paradise? are we willing to pay?

the Price of Paradise part 4

what is the price of paradise? are we willing to pay?

the Price of Paradise part 3

what is the price of paradise? will we pay?

The Price of Paradise part 1

what is the price of paradise? are we willing to pay?

Welcome sister Janet to Islam

Last Sunday, Nov 1st, 2009 after our class in Wanchai Mosque/Hong Kong sister Jannet/Now Jannah embraced Islam. Allahu Akbar... Alhamdulilah.

Yusha Evans Journey to Islam Part 3

This is part 3 of how Yusha Evans found the light of Islam.

Yusha Evans Journey to Islam Part 2

This is part 2 of the video of how Yusha Evans found the light of Islam

Yusha Evans Journey to Islam

This is the story of how Yusha Evans reverted to Islam after his study of the bible and various other faiths.